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ROI-Driven Social Media Marketing Services in New Zealand

Start saying tēnā koutou to the right audiences across social media with LocaliQ. Our expert social media agency in Auckland services businesses throughout New Zealand, helping you generate leads with effective social ads that stretch the limits of your marketing budget. Work with an ROI-driven social media marketing agency with expertise across Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and YouTube.

Position your brand for category dominance no matter what your industry niche or specific location is. Our team will help you go beyond likes and follows and deliver real outcomes for your business. With high quality ad creatives, data-driven social media marketing strategies and simple, actionable analytics and insights, we’ll help build meaningful campaigns across every platform.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

With such widespread usage across every demographic, social media platforms offer exciting and versatile opportunities to reach and convert new customers every day. Humanise your brand and build genuine connections with audiences through authentic content creation and interactions that align with the culture and style of each social platform.

Eliminated wasted ad spend with a social media marketing strategy refined to maximise your conversions. Whether you’re looking to reach new audiences or retarget prospects who have shown interest, we have the expertise to help you achieve your goals. Our team also refines your campaigns by testing different formats, placements and targeting options to see what generates the best results and ROI.

How Social Media Marketing Services Deliver Results for Your Brand

LocaliQ is a social media marketing agency with a strong track record of generating great results for our Kiwi clients using data-driven insights. Our flexible team understands how to adjust to changing algorithms and user behaviour across different platforms with tailored campaigns based on your unique brand.

Better Online Exposure

By carefully analysing your business, audience and competitive landscape, our social ad creative process is designed to get your brand in front of more of the right people. Boost visibility with campaigns that align with the values and culture of each social platform, with a consistent tone, look and feel that integrates seamlessly with the user experience. Our social media marketing agency crafts your ad copy, graphic design and other creative elements to connect your brand with your target audiences.

Increase Search Rankings

Major search engines like Google and Bring integrate social media posts, images, videos, links, profiles, comments and reviews into relevant search result pages. This means great social media marketing integrates into your search engine marketing tactics to boost your overall online presence. The more people who share your content across social media, the more traffic they send to your website, all while boosting your search rankings.

Advanced Audience Targeting

Social ads allow you to identify and categorise your ideal customers based on location, age, interests and other attributes. Work with an expert social media advertising agency with a detailed understanding of the sophisticated targeting tools across different social media channels. This includes how to effectively utilise Facebook Pixels and Lookalike Audiences to streamline lead generation across Facebook and Instagram so your ads actually convert.

Improve Customer Reach

By using social media advertising tools effectively, brands can drastically improve their reach and grow their online presence while better understanding the audiences they need to reach. We’ll help your brand craft the right message with content that attracts and encourages more users to click through to your website.

Complete Brand Control

Our social media marketing services are customised to suit your specific business goals and budget. You’ll have complete access to our expertise and specialised tools while retaining control over your branding, budget and overall strategy. Together, we’ll determine the best pathway to building and maintaining a strong image and presence for your brand across every social media platform where your customers are spending their time.

Enhance Customer Trust

Build exciting, unique campaigns designed to engage relevant audiences and convert them into paying customers. Generating trust through meaningful, authentic content is key to increasing sales. Likewise, your strategy must reflect the different stages of the customer journey. Not every potential customer is ready to make a purchase immediately. That’s where tactics like dynamic retargeting become important for nurturing prospects.

Multiple Marketing Options

LocaliQ consists of a dedicated team with diverse specialties across different social media channels. Every campaign is crafted according to the unique strengths offered by different platforms while all forming part of a holistic and coherent multichannel marketing strategy. With experts in copywriting, content strategy, graphic design, SEO and video production, we can deliver across a huge range of mediums.

Increase Profitability

Social media advertising offers a cost-effective way of reaching and converting new prospective clients. You have complete control over marketing spend and how you want to scale campaigns based on audience size or different locations. Our team ensures your campaigns are ROI driven with regular reporting of measurable results. Free of jargon and irrelevant metrics like impressions, we focus on actual conversions so you can see exactly what you’re getting from your social ads.

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Improve Your Presence With Our Social Media Services

Building a strong presence on social media is essential for businesses across just about every industry in today’s digital world. It can be difficult, however, to effectively establish and maintain several concurrent social media strategies across different platforms, each with their own unique attributes. At the same time, businesses must ensure their branding is consistently delivered across different mediums and content styles.

LocaliQ specialises in finding this balance for you, with a detailed understanding of how each platform works and what kind of strategies work for different brands in different contexts. Take the hassle out of social media marketing with a team that can create, implement and actively manage campaigns that deliver real results.

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FAQs About Our Social Media Marketing Agency

What Does a Social Media Agency Do?

A social media agency helps manage your online presence across different channels like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. This includes creating accounts, making posts, replying to messages and running paid ad campaigns. When looking for the right agency to partner with, brands should look for agencies experienced in delivering ads for your industry, audience and location.

Ideally, your social media agency should also support a variety of social media marketing campaigns. Depending on the particular agency, their services may focus only on particular platforms, niche industries or campaign types. LocaliQ is a full-service social media agency with a wealth of experience delivering campaigns across different social platforms.

Why Social Media Marketing?

Kiwis use social media every day for socialising, entertainment and discovering new products and services. This provides fantastic opportunities for brands to connect with new potential customers with engaging, well-targeted content. LocaliQ has a deep understanding of each social media platform and can create a strategy that helps connect your brand to the right audiences where they spend their free time.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing focuses on creating and sharing organic and content to boost brand awareness and increase sales. How you approach social media marketing is ultimately guided by your specific brand objectives and audience demographics. Whether you focus on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or Tiktok, it’s essential to create compelling messaging that engage potential customers with a clear value proposition. It’s also important to use the right ad format and placements across devices.

What Companies Need Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is an essential component of the digital marketing mix for businesses across a range of industries. If your target audience spends time on social media, it’s worth investing in building a strong social media presence and creating targeted ads across relevant platforms. No matter your industry, location or audience, LocaliQ can help your business engage new customers at every stage of their journey.

How Effective is Social Media Advertising?

Social media ads are incredibly effective when it comes to reaching new audiences, nurturing leads and transforming prospects into customers. With the right strategy, you can generate quick results with impressive ROI. With huge numbers of active users and a variety of diverse content formats available, businesses can repeatedly create opportunities through effective text, image and video ads.

How Can I Get Started With Social Ads?

The right strategy for each platform is essential to reach your goals and avoid wasting your marketing budget. Targeting your campaign is key to reaching audiences likely to be interested in your products and services. Social media ads can be targeted based on location, age, gender, interests and user behaviour. An eye-catching creative is also essential, with text and imagery that resonates with your audience. If you need help building effective social ads, LocaliQ are the experts you can trust to help your campaign succeed.

Client Testimonial

“I would recommend LocaliQ to other businesses as they have shown how to future-proof our business to ensure we are leading the pack. LocaliQ have the knowledge, know-how, and resources to keep up to speed with today’s fast-moving digital world.”

Ian Sadler, Sales Manager, Canterbury Caravans

Australians spend an average of 1h 46 mins on social media each day.

GlobalWebIndex, 2020

Get in Touch With Our Trusted Social Media Agency in New Zealand

LocaliQ can help your business grow using tailored social media marketing campaigns designed to achieve your goals. Contact our experts today to discover how we can help you engage and convert new customers across New Zealand.

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