Google Shopping

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Reach New Customers with Google Shopping Ads in New Zealand

Drive eCommerce sales with the power of Google Shopping and say kia ora to new customers today! Advertise your products directly on Google’s search engine results with images and key information to bring shoppers to your site. Google Shopping advertising converts more customers with high purchase intent while they search for products in your category on Google.

LocaliQ helps New Zealand businesses maximise the higher conversion rates offered by Google Shopping, helping you stick out from the crowd with eye-catching ads. We specialise in building Google Shopping advertising campaigns tailored to your brand, with extensive experience in ad management and ongoing optimisations. Step beyond simplified text based search ads with a thumbnail image of the product, price, your brand name and other helpful information.

With our assistance, your next customers can quickly and easily browse and click on those of your products that appeal to them. Google Shopping works much like a product comparison service, with the platform showcasing similar products from different stores related to their search query. Boost your eCommerce revenue with strategically crafted Google shopping ads that attract clicks and drive sales for your brand.

Reasons Why You Should Use Google Shopping Ads

LocaliQ is here to help you discover the benefits of Google Shopping and increase qualified traffic, leads and conversions on New Zealand’s largest search engine.

Rank at the Top of Search Results

Google Shopping ads offer greater visibility, occupying premium placements at the top of results when users search for products. This highly visual, informative and accessible ad gets more clicks and drives conversions when placed in front of engaged customers with active purchase intent. LocaliQ manages your brand’s Google Shopping presence completely, helping retailers net higher revenue and overall sales.

Show, Don’t Tell

Position your products in the spotlight with simple visual ads that quickly get key information across to users. If you were looking to purchase a new pair of  Nike sneakers, would you be more likely to click a basic, text-based search ad that promotes a link or an ad that immediately shows you an image of the product you want? Google Shopping ads simplify the online shopping experience for customers, allowing them to browse products within search engine results and click through to the options that most appeal to them.

Intent Over Interruption

Unlike many forms of advertising that interrupt a user’s experience, Google Shopping ads improve it by showing them exactly what they are looking for. Someone watching a YouTube video and getting interrupted with an ad for a tent is less likely to make a purchase compared to someone who searches for a tent on Google and sees a Shopping ad for it. The latter comes with purchase intent, meaning a conversion is much more likely. This makes Google Shopping ads incredibly powerful in terms of marketing ROI.

Precise Targeting

Target users based on search queries and retarget users who have previously shown interest in your products. By optimising your initial audience, your brand can boost CTR while lowering CPC. When you reengage with users who are likely to be interested in your products, you can also capture any leads that might have slipped through the cracks. Maximise the ROI of your marketing spend with strategic ad campaigns managed by our Google Shopping agency.

Multiple Placements

Google Shopping ads display at the top of search results as a carousel of up to 20 images on computers and 2 images on mobiles. In addition to search results, Google Shopping ads are placed across other websites and apps within the Google network. Brands can also retarget users so qualified buyers see your product appear again elsewhere on the web if they displayed interest by clicking on your product.

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Our Google Shopping Management Process

Our experienced Google Shopping management agency will manage your campaign from start to finish, from account set up to reporting and beyond.

Free Google Shopping Ads Account Analysis

If you’re not sure whether Google Shopping is right for you, we can offer a free account analysis before you commit to the strategy. Our team will look at your website and product range, as well as whether you have an existing Google Merchant account. This will give us an indication of what you’ll need to get started and help us determine an appropriate approach to developing high conversion campaigns for your unique business.

Custom Account and Landing Page Set Up

LocaliQ builds your Google Shopping account and product landing pages to maximise conversions while maintaining alignment with your brand messaging. Depending on the circumstances, we’ll look at your sitemap and how individual products and product categories are set out to support a seamless shopping experience for your customers. We’ll build out your campaign with strategic, targeted keywords your customers use, based on information like product type, brand, colour and size.

Research and Analysis

Once your brand is on-board, we’ll commence a detailed research and analysis process to help inform your goals, KPIs and campaign budget. This includes extensively analysing your business, your competition and your product category. Our team will use this information to better guide our strategy prior to launch and find creative ways for your brand to compete.

Ongoing Optimisations

After your Google Shopping ads go live, our team will provide ongoing monitoring and optimisations to ensure your campaign is getting the clicks we expect and maximising your ROI. This involves daily search term analysis, automated bid management, segmenting queries, split testing different ad types and adjusting targeting based on live results and insights. This essential phase of your campaign is where we work hard to get the best results from your defined budget and limit any wasted spend.

Dedicated Google Shopping Ads Support

As an experienced Google Shopping agency, we’re here to keep you informed and educated about your campaign and how Google advertising tools can work better for you. We’re always a phone call or an email away if you have any questions or concerns. As a Google Premier Partner, we have extensive experience delivering great results for businesses across Google Shopping. In the rare case where we don’t have an immediate answer for you, we can access rapid support with the Google Shopping team internally.

Monthly Reporting

LocaliQ focuses on providing transparent campaigns that deliver real results for your business. Part of this involves custom monthly reports with a full breakdown of the metrics that matter to your campaign objectives. We make it easy for you to check in on the progress and effectiveness of your live Google Shopping ads. Our proactive approach ensures you stay informed about results so we can action any necessary adjustments to your campaign strategy.

Tools to Help Your Campaign Meet Your Goals


Search Ads

Showcase your products in Google search results and only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Once live, your Shopping ad is automated, and Google will extract any changes or updates in product information from your website. This includes pricing, availability and delivery information so your customers always see the latest information about your products.


Performance Max

Go beyond search with next generation Performance Max campaigns. Performance Max allows your brand to access the full Google Ads inventory from one campaign, so you can find and convert customers across other Google channels including Gmail, YouTube, Maps and the Display Network.


Discovery Ads

Increase sales by capturing audiences browsing content similar to your products. Discovery ads are powered by Google AI and use smart segmentation tools to find relevant new audiences. Reach fresh customers across YouTube, Gmail and Discover, who may not have been aware of your brand or product offerings.

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FAQs About Google Shopping Ads

What is Google Shopping Campaign Management?

Google Shopping campaign management is a specialised service offered by digital marketing agencies experienced in developing campaigns across Google’s advertising tools. LocaliQ has extensive experience helping businesses get their products in front of customers as they research online. Quality Google Shopping management ensures your products display in relevant searches conducted by people with high purchase intent. Whether you’re a small hardware store in Wellington or a clothing eCommerce brand delivering throughout New Zealand, finding the right targeting strategy is key to generating great results.

How Much Do Google Shopping Ads Cost?

Like many digital marketing tactics, the cost of Google Shopping ads varies depending on the type of business, size, location, competition and what audiences you want to target. The benefit of Google Shopping Ads is that you pay only when a user clicks. Since you can set your own budget, you’ll only pay as much as you’re willing. Once you get in touch, LocaliQ team will give you a specific indication of how much your Google Shopping campaign may cost based on your unique brand.

Is Google Shopping the Same as Google Ads?

Google Shopping Ads feature a product image and information such as pricing, brand and delivery information. Google Search Ads are text-based ads meaning there is no imagery, so you must rely on ad copy to get clicks. Google Shopping involves setting up a Google Merchant Centre account, where you add products and product information. Your product range can then appear in ads across search results, the Shopping tab, Google Images, Gmail, YouTube and third party websites and apps in the Google Display Network.

Can My Business Benefit from Google Shopping?

Google Shopping helps retailers and individual brands guide motivated, in-the-market buyers to their product ranges. It’s an effective strategy for any business looking to increase online sales. Google Shopping Ads integrate seamlessly with search results, making it easy for customers to see your product visually and quickly learn information like price, size, colour, brand, delivery options and availability. Google Shopping Ads help you reach the right customers as the platform automates results to display the most relevant products based on search behaviour and search intent.

Google Shopping Ads appear at the top of search results, increasing your potential reach. Tracking campaign performance is easy with metrics like conversion rates and click-through rates allowing you to see how your ads are working for you. You can even compare performance to key competitors and products in the same category. With help from our Google shopping ads agency, you can streamline the customer experience and generate more sales at a low cost.

What are Google Shopping Ads?

Google Shopping ads use your brand’s Merchant Centre product data extracted from your online store to create ads that appear when customers search for relevant products. It’s one of the most effective ways of marketing to potential buyers because it improves the online shopping experience by providing information about products when users search for them. Products displayed in search results are automatically matched with a user’s search intent based on Google’s algorithm.

In addition to search results, your products also appear in the Google Shopping tab, Google Images and partner websites and apps across the Google Display Network. Like other Google advertising tools, Google Shopping Ads function via a cost-per-click (CPC) model so you only pay when someone clicks on the product and gets directed to the landing page where they can complete a purchase.

How Can LocaliQ Improve My Digital Marketing Strategy With Google Shopping?

As an experienced Google Shopping management agency, LocaliQ has a strong track record helping Kiwi businesses increase sales. Our approach to generating more sales is based on optimising your ad and the destination landing page according to Google’s best practice standards. Our expertise, years of research and experience managing campaigns means we understand what Google looks for when matching products to search intent.


The Google Shopping campaigns we develop for your brand complement and work in alignment with your overall digital marketing strategy. We include, as part of a multichannel campaign designed to meet your goals, finding new customers, increasing website traffic and boosting sales. Using data refined to your brand’s industry and customer base, we create Google Shopping Ads that help you reach qualified buyers.

Client Testimonial

“We have been able to maximise on our niche position in the marketplace through LocaliQ’s SEO efforts. The LocaliQ team deliver excellent transparency and reporting around results and regular communication.”

Mark Hodges, Director, Harrington & Co.

Searches for “available near me” have grown by over 100% in the last year.

Google, 2021

Your Google Shopping Management Agency in New Zealand

LocaliQ can help your business grow on Google Shopping. Based in Auckland, we help brands locally as well as in Christchurch, Wellington, Hamilton and all across New Zealand. For tailored Google shopping management services or to find out more about how we can help you boost sales, contact our team today.

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